Hwaseong GeoPark
Hwaseong Geopark
What is a Geopark
Hwaseong Geopark

Hwaseong Geopark



The geology of the Hwaseong Geopark area belonging to the Gyeonggi Massif consists of the Precambrian metamorphic and meta-sedimentary rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary rocks, and Quaternary deposits, indicating high geodiversity.

The Fossil Site of Dinosaur Eggs in Gojeong-ri geosite, designated as a natural monument, has a geotrail including dinosaur egg nest fossils, burrows, tafoni, fault and drag fold, cross-bedding. Furthermore, a variety of infrastructures such as eco-trail deck, visitor center are well-established in the geosite. In the Ueumdo geosite, there are various metamorphic rocks (gneiss, schist, and phyllite) and geological structures (fold, fault, joint, dike, and vein), thus it has a high educational value. The Eoseom geosite has high academic value because of the orbicular texture found in metamorphic rocks. Also, various volcanic and sedimentary rocks belonging to the Cretaceous Tando Basin can be observed in the Ttakseom and Jeongokhang Bedded Tuff geosites.

In the Jebudo, Baengmi-ri Coast, and Gungpyeonghang port geosites, a variety of coastal landforms (tidal flat, seastacks, sand and gravel beach, and coastal dunes), metamorphic rocks and geological structures, such as clastic dikes and quartz veins can be observed, and they also provide various programs including mudflat experience to visitors. Ippado and Gukwhado geosites have typical large-scale fold structures, and unique coastal erosional features and various Paleozoic schists can be observed. The Hwaseong Geopark consists of outstanding geosites with high geodiversity and academic values, and it also has geotrails that combine geology, geomorphology, landscape and ecology with infrastructures and various education and experience programs.

지질명소 위치

Eight Geosites in Hwaseong Geopark

  • Fossil Site of Dinosaur Eggs
  • Ueumdo
  • Jeongokhang Bedded Tuff
  • Jebudo(Island)
  • Baengmi-ri Coast
  • Gungpyeonghang Port
  • Ippado(Island)
  • Gukhwado(Island)
  • Eoseom
  • Ttakseom